
Thursday, February 9, 2012

He owes daddy big time...

Monday, I posted the story of my sons birth.  I was so focused on the experience and describing everything I went through, I forgot to include a BIG part of the story!  How could I forget something so significant!?

So some back story...

My husband is a high school football coach, the offensive coordinator to be exact.  This year, the head coach he works for got a job at a new school and M (and the rest of the staff) followed him there.  Well, this team is good.  Really good.  I have never seen high school kids play like this before.  Scratch that, I've never seen high school kids in CT play like that before (I'm sure it's pretty common in other parts of the country where high school football is life).  Anyway, my due date was December 10th which also happened to be the day of the state championship game.  All football season there was an ongoing joke that I would go into labor during the game and what a story it would be that our future quarterback was born on the football field!  Obviously this was unrealistic because 1) what are the odds that they actually would make the state championship game and 2) I probably wouldn't have the baby on my actual due date.

Well, football season comes to an end and sure enough their team makes the playoffs.  I'm at the end of my pregnancy and each week I would get the "don't go into labor before the playoff game this week!" from all the coaches.  They actually end up going all the way and making it to the state championship game!  This is a HUGE deal as none of the coaches had been to a state championship yet and my husband, who lives and breaths football, was pumped!  All week we say "B, you better not come on Saturday! If you have to come soon, make it either before or after Saturday but not on Saturday!".

So our darling son decides to be a good little boy.  He actually listens to his parents and doesn't come on Saturday, but starts trying to get out of there on Thursday.  As it turns out, their team ended up getting the Friday night game (there are technically four state championships since there are four different high school classes in CT), and my whole labor we were coming up with every scenario as to when he would have to be out by in order for M to go to the game. We willed our little future athlete to try his hardest!

Of course, that didn't happen.  I started pushing at kickoff (6:30ish) and B was out just as the game was ending (8:45ish).  M's team had to face the championship game without him.  Obviously the birth of his son was way more important than the game and M has said over and over again that it doesn't matter at all.  That doesn't change the fact that I felt so bad he had to miss it and apologized a million times that it worked out that way.  I know how much this game meant to him.

So now our son owes his dad a state championship when he grows up... or even better, an NFL one? :)

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